WSQ – workforce skill qualifications program is referred to as a perpetual national education as well as a training program established for individual workers in Singapore and as a complement of the student’s formal education program. WSQ course is available for every worker and does not need academic prerequisites before one can be qualified for the course. The WSQ course offers training for skills recognition and upgrading and certification for workers with existing skills. It entails various qualification levels ranging from basic certificate down to graduate Diploma. Workers can also be provided with SOA (Statements of attainment) on various modules to complement their skills.

WSQ is an industrial-based national skill standards body. The course will only cover skills training and is usually determined by the individual employer in other to be relevant in prevailing professions in the industry. WSQ course is a quality assurance and was Singapore workforce Development Agency – WDA back then but now workforce Singapore and is fashioned in the sense that it suits adults workers as it modules are flexible, and not necessarily a classroom-based program but only based on experience and past skills of the workers that have been acquired by the workers. The WSQ was launched on the 27th of October 2005 by the ministry of manpower in Singapore. With the program, they have been able to improve the professionalism of many industries, amend their universal competitiveness, and establish an avenue of training for workers to progress in their profession and choose a new path.

WSQ is a national credential program that helps to trains, builds, test, and award skills and competencies certification for the workforces. Being a CET program – continuing education and training, WSQ help to supports the movements of skillsfuture by;

  • Promoting the recognition of skills and abilities to improve mobility, mastery, and progression
  • Promoting the comprehensive development of the workforce by generic and technical skills and abilities.
  • Supporting economic development through skills and abilities in other to drive industry productivity, transformation, and innovative efforts
  • Encouraging lifelong learning for individuals.



A ability-based program, established to build vocation role-specific skills and abilities, and generic skills and abilities necessary across the vacation job roles.


Applicants do not need any prerequisite education before they can apply for the program and only require prior learning like credentials and work experience. WSQ is available in different modules, leading to a statement of attainment awards that individuals may need to obtain before being awarded a full WSQ qualification.


The WSQ course makes the availability of various skills and qualifications courses according to the skill framework of each sector.


With high competition in the workforce industries, individuals should always seek every opportunity to enhance the areas of specialization or even register for a professional course in other to sharpen their skills and also to themselves from others. To obtain enough skills, nowadays, the number of professionals enrolling for a professional course is dramatically increasing. When you acquire a professional course, it will provide every necessary support for the professionals to advance their skills and enable professionals to know their weaknesses as well as strengths. Also, many professional courses such as WSQ are often adjusted according to the changes required by a specific industry, therefore ensuring that professionals have access to advance industry knowledge.

Increase your wage in the long run. It claimed that individuals who enroll for the WSQ course ate likely to earn more wages than those who did not enroll for the course. Additionally, it is stated that WSQ trainees who acquired their full WSQ qualifications through completing various modules will get an average of 5.8% wages more than non-trainee after training.

WSQ course will help individuals build more professional abilities and other essential skills such as motivation, confidence, and leadership. It helps workers attain greater height in their various fields and achieve realistic and obtainable goals in their lives. For workers to enrich their potential and performance, individuals should go for WSQ training instead of general education.

When you enroll for a WSQ course, workers will not only have access to fresh and new concepts but also keep workers informed on everything that is happening in their area of specialization. They are frequently faced with many difficulties running in the industry so that a solution can be provided by taking up the WSQ course.

Set WSQ trainee apart from others.Nowadays, the market is highly competitive, and many employers are always looking forward to employees who have a distinctive quality and have something to offer their business. When you get enrolled for WSQ training, individuals will be taught freshly things and advanced ideas that will give them the ability to overcome any difficulties with a professional approach. Furthermore, the WSQ course will help individuals take more innovative and creative perspective steps when dealing with problems and set them apart from others


Looking for a trade school with WSQ qualifications, your stress ends here. You should buy our WSQ course because our trade school offers a subsidized WSQ certificate in several courses. Our WSQ course is not only affordable but also provided a standard course with skillful coaches. We train learners with no experience as well as professionals who want to upgrade their skill sets.


  • My husband told me that the workforce skills qualifications is really important now. I took his advice and take your company courses. I am really impress with all the skills that i learned. Thank you so much for the wondering courses.
    Angie Ng
  • The training and modules help me acquire new skills and enter a new industry. Really amazing. I will recommend my friends to your company as soon as possible.
    Jacky Ng


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