March 8, 2021

Can I Use Skillfuture Credit for Driving License?

Can I Use Skillfuture Credit for Driving License? SkillsFuture is a government scheme that helps professionals residing in Singapore to upgrade their skills. This is a wonderful idea that will contribute to increasing the number of highly-qualified workforce in the city-state. It will help even people, who can’t afford an upgrading course, to benefit from it and boost their competencies. By partially or fully covering the course cost, SkillsFuture ensures that all Singapore citizens can move up their career ladder. It gives chance to everyone to become better in what they do, but also take other courses for self-development. How does SkillsFuture scheme work? The scheme focuses on people […]
February 8, 2021

Can I Use Skillsfuture Credit For WSQ Courses?

Can I Use Skillsfuture Credit For WSQ Courses? Yes, you can use Skillsfuture Credit for WSQ courses. But before using Skillsfuture credit for WSQ courses you must know about these concepts in brief. What is Skillsfuture? Skillsfuture is a credit program that provides opportunities to Singaporeans to develop their skills to their optimum potential throughout life irrespective of the fact from where they start. This movement will help every Singaporean to improve his contributions, skills, and passion to the next level to develop an inclusive and advanced society as well as the economy. This program will provide you various resources to master your skills regardless of your […]
December 29, 2020

Security Officer Courses Online

Security Officer Courses Online – Taking upgrading courses may help not only in getting a better job but also in self-developing. If you are a security officer, you may want to upgrade your qualification to get a higher salary. If you reside in Singapore, you can use the SkillsFuture Credit Programme to cover your course fee partially or fully. In this article, we will explain how you can benefit from this state-funded program and what kind of security courses you can take. What is SkillsFuture? Singapore government has recently launched a scheme that aims to help people improve their skills […]
December 14, 2020

SkillFuture Courses For Seniors

SkillFuture Courses For Seniors – Retirement or age need not determine your lifestyle and certainly do not imply you are nearing the end of the road. SkillsFuture courses for seniors can transform this time of your life, into a new beginning. Learn new skills and embark on inspiring life adventures. SkillsFuture courses for seniors are designed with the objective of enriching your life experience as a senior citizen. It is no wonder that SkillsFuture courses for seniors have become extremely popular amongst senior citizens. The multitude of courses available, in SkillsFuture courses for seniors programs, are quite varied. These range […]
August 7, 2020

Who is eligible for WSQ and the participation rates in Singapore

The WSQ in Singapore is a national documentation system that goals to improve the productivity, abilities, and development of the employers and individuals. Workforce Skills Qualifications or WSQ focuses on developing, training, certifying, and assessing skills and competencies for the staff. These training courses are turn validated by organizations, professional bodies, and unions. The main features of Workforce Skills Qualifications programs are their accessibility, relevancy, progression system, and best quality assurance by officials. WSQ training courses develop competencies and job-specific skills without any academic pre-requisites admission. Recognizing prior credentials and experiences, WSQ programs are split up into bite-sized modules that make […]
August 7, 2020

Advantages of WSQ training courses

The Singapore Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) is a country documentation system that aims to better the productivity, capabilities and growth of companies and individuals. It targets on developing, training, assessing and certifying expertise and productivity for the workforce. These training programmes are in turn validated by unions, workers, and expert bodies. The key specs of WSQ courses are their accessibility, relevancy, standard assurances by authorities and progression system. WSQ courses develop work specific expertise and competencies without any academic pre-requisites for entry. Recognising prior credentials and experience, WSQ courses are split into bite-sized modules which makes it simple for the […]